Our solution to the global challenge
Our planet is experiencing a dramatic decline in global biodiversity due to human impact.
Protected areas have proven a crucial tool to safeguard biodiversity, including socioeconomic benefits. Despite this fact, these protected areas face an overall lack of effective management.
The increasing demand for energy (firewood, charcoal, hydro dams, oil & gas, etc.) and food (agricultural land and animal protein) as well as wildlife products (ivory) and infrastructure development are putting and ever-growing pressure on these last wild landscapes.
In response to these challenges, national authorities, financial partners and NGO’s have developed a public-private partnership model for long-term management of protected areas (PA). Following this model, the daily management of a PA is delegated to an NGO under a joint governance structure (Board) representing the government and the NGO. This model ensures a long-term engagement of NGOs (20 years), which is more attractive to financial investors as well as governments, compared to the more short-term project-oriented approach (3-5 years).
Convinced by this model that has provided clear results so far, the NGO Noé (based in France) has set up its own dedicated Protected Area Management branch, called “Parcs de Noé” .

Who we are
Created in 2018, Parcs de Noé is a branch of the French NGO Noé.
The goal of Parcs de Noé is to contribute to the sustainable management of protected areas through a model of delegated management, involving responsibility and accountability, to safeguard biodiversity, security and local development.
Initial support (€ 8.3 million) from the French Development Agency (AFD) and the European Union (EU), allowed to develop the organizational structure and strategies, and to engage in and start managing the Termit and Tin-Toumma Nature Reserve. Since then, additional funds have been leveraged and many new financial partnerships are being built to ensure long term financial commitment to protected area management.
A unique partnership
African Parks is a non-profit conservation organisation that takes on the complete responsibility for the rehabilitation and long-term management of national parks in partnership with governments and local communities. To scale its impact, African Parks, through its Incubation Program, invests in practitioners who share its ambition and values, and who can be cultivated, with mentoring and technical support, to replicate its model of delegated management. A partnership with African Parks allows Parcs de Noé to benefit from 20 years of experience in more than 20 parks and thus leapfrog some challenges in Protected Area (PA) Management. African Parks support is ensured on different levels through guidance on operations, participation in the boards of protected areas managed by Noé, and a continuous monitoring and evaluation process of the partnership.

Where we work
Today Parcs de Noé has already been given the mandate to manage the Termit and Tin-Toumma National Nature Reserve in Niger and has been selected by the government of Chad to manage the Binder-Léré Wildlife Reserve and by the Republic of Congo to manage the Conkouati-Douli National Park.
1 – Noé has been active in the Termit Tin-Toumma Nature Reserve since 2013. After the creation of Parcs de Noé, the Nigerien government entrusted us, in November 2018, the management of this huge desert reserve of 90.000km2 for the next 20 years.
2 – In Chad, Parcs de Noé cooperates with the government and local communities to convert the heart of the Binder-Léré Wildlife Reserve into a National Park and assume its management to safeguard Chad’s last forests. The creation of the national park has been approved by the authorities and local communities, to be established and operational in 2021.
3 – Following a call for proposals by the Republic of Congo, Parcs de Noé was selected to take on the management of the Conkouati-Douli National Park in March 2020. Parcs de Noé is currently discussing the terms for a long-term agreement for the management of this unique coastal protected area in the heart of Africa.
We are here




Our ambition
Our ambition is to succeed in safeguarding and restoring the world’s last wild places, to protect animal and plant species living in and around the protected areas, to ensure that ecosystem services will provide livelihoods for the human populations depending on them, and to mitigate global climate change.
By the end of 2021, Parcs de Noé aims to fully manage the three parks (Termit Tin-Toumma in Niger, Binder-Léré in Chad and Conkouati-Douli in Congo).
By 2025, Parcs de Noé’s aims to safeguard at least 5 protected areas representing 10 million hectares of Africa’s principal ecosystems (biomes); desert (8 M ha), grasslands, savannas and shrublands (1M ha), forests (0,5M ha) and marine and coastal ecosystems (0,5M ha).
This will entail an annual budget of around €10 M and over 500 staff members, often operating in remote areas with elevated security risks.
Hence, long term funding, well-equipped and qualified staff and adequate working conditions (infrastructure, communications) will be the main focus to achieve our ambition.

“Unfortunately, very often, protected areas only exist on paper and their future is threatened. It is crucial to protect and defend these public goods, for the common interest. Together with the countries we share the mission to protect this legacy for the world’s future generations.”
Arnaud Greth – Président-Fondateur de Noé
Thanks to Parcs de Noé’s partners!
Government Partners

Republic of Chad

Republic of Congo

Republic of Niger
Financial and Technical Partners

European Union

Elephant Crisis Fund

Jane Goodall Institute

French Development Agency

Fondation Ségré

Help Congo

International Union for
Conservation of Nature

Re : wild


EU Program
Protected Areas
Fragile ecosystems

Fonds pour l’environnement mondial

African Parks

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